Throughout the evolution, battles have accompanied people's lives, often brutally and without mercy.
Greeks , Romans and Persians have written about combat and sports history until about 1900.
Karate 空手 empty hand is a martial art whose history can surely be traced back to the Okinawa of the 19th century where native Okinawan traditions (deaths) merged with Chinese (Shaolin Quanfa) and Japanese influences (Yawara, Koryu Ju Jutsu, Bujtsu). At the beginning of the 20th century she found her
Way to Japan and after the Second World Krig was spread from there over the whole world.
In terms of content, karate is characterized by weaponless techniques, especially impact, impact, kicking and block techniques as well as footfeel techniques. This technology class forms the core of caratetraining. A few levers and throws are also taught (after sufficient mastery of the basic techniques), in the advanced training also chokes and nerve point techniques are practiced.
Karatedo (Japanese way of the empty hand) was formerly referred to as karate, and is still the most frequently used today. The addition do is used to underline the philosophical background of art and its significance as a way of life. Until the 1930s the spelling ( 手 手 Karate) was common, which literally means Chinese hand. The character ( 唐 Tang) with the Sino-Japanese reading to and the Japanese reading kara referred to the China of the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 AD). Thus the Chinese origins were already manifested in the name of martial arts. For probably political reasons (nationalism) one then went to Japan to use the spelling ( 空手 karate) , ie empty hand. The new sign was read like the old kara and was also appropriate in terms of the meaning, in the Karate is usually fought with empty hands, thus without weapons.
Siddhattha Gotama, as Budha (literally: Awakened , see also Bodhi) taught the Dharma ( the doctrine ) and as such was the founder of Buddhism.
Legend has it that the Buddhist monk Daruma Taishi (Bodhidharma) from Kanchipuram (South India) reached the Shaolin Monastery (Shorinji) in the 6th century, where he founded not only the Zen Buddhism, but the monks also in physical exercises So that they could endure the long meditation. Thus the Shaolin Kung Fu (correct - Shaolin-Quanfa, jap.Kempo - Kenoo) emerged, from which many other Chinese martial arts styles (Wushu) would have developed.
From China to Okinawa
Karate in its present form developed on the pacific chain of the RYUKYU ISLANDS, especially on the main island of Okinawa. This is about 500 kilometers south of the Japanese main island KYUSHU between the South China Sea and the Pacific. Today the island of Okinawa is a part of the JAPAN PRAYER OF the same name. Already in the 14th century, Okinawa, at the time the center of the independent island kingdom RYUKYU, had lively trade contacts to Japan, China, Korea and Southeast Asia.
In the 6th century, Budism comes to Japan, Japanese work is 13.Jh to Zen.Sport is already shown in Japan in the Asuka time in the 7.Jh, when a Korean from the court of the Empress Kogyoku by a Sumo fight has been. The Bushi the armed warrior at the end of the Heian period 11th century, also practiced sport as a preparation for the the first line of battle. Ranks, archery and swimming. In the Edo period of a peaceful period, Samuri became the administrative officials Samuri these techniques To the martial arts (Bujutsu) and the influence of Zen Buddhism also a spiritual component.
Gichin Funakoshi 1869.26.April.1957
1869 Okinawa was the only son of a simple Samuri family founder or father of Modern Karate is born, his father was a master in the fight with the Okinawan stock (kon) .begann with karate in childhood, with Master Anko Azato and Yasutsune Itosu was, at that time Karate traning and he traninret secretly, after long traning with Master Anko Azato and Yasutsune Itosu became itself a master. In 1935 his book Karate DO Kyohan appeared . He founded with his son Gigo Funakoshi martial (kumite form). After the modernization Karate Shigeru Egami founded the Shotokai organization, hironori Otsuka beat the Wado Ryo , Kenwa Mabuhi founds the Shito Ryo , Chojun Miyagi Founded the Gojo Ryo. His successor, Gogen Yamaguchi , became the Goju Kai organization at the time and belonged to the formation of the entire Japanese karate federation in 1964, Chojiro Tani founds the shuko quay .
Masatoshi Nakayama is responsible for the introduction of sporting competition rules.
Masutatsu Oyama founded Kyokushin Ryo , later Kyokushinkaikan . After the death of Von Gichin Funnakoshi in the 26th of April, 1957, many karate forms come out like mushrooms from the ground, as well as after the death of Mas Oyama.
Gichin Funnakoshi Died on 26 April, in Tokyo, at the age of 89 years.
Recently I have found the death day of Sensei Oyama is the same death day as Sensei, Funakoshi on April 26 in Tokyo.
Through the TV, radio, newspaper, magazines and books from 1901 to today, what we today call Karate is becoming popular. At the beginning of the 19th century, today's martial arts and martial arts were developed from classic Bujutsu-kunsten, including Judo , Aikido and Kendo, Uzw
Karate has the connection with Zen based philosophy.
Sosai Oyama Master So Nei Chu , was one of the followers of Nichiren Buddhism .
Mas Oyama Offent in 1953 his first karate dojo in Tokyo.
Kyokushin Karate in Europe
Began in the Amsterdam,
Sensei Oyama First Celebrity Students, Jon Bluming , is no doubt he is responsible for started by kyokushin karate in Europe. He brought the Kyokushin Karate to Europe in 1961, Jon Bluming was the first European or the first foreign Uchi-deshi of Sensei Oyama Of Kaicho bluming, in the kyokushinkaikan statement, Shihan Bobby Lowe is known as the first Uchi-deshi.
The Unbeatable Giant, Sosai Oyama said who defeated Bulming, I give my 8 dan to him.
Among his students are Ashihara , Alain Setroek , as well as Judoka Chris Dolman and wim Ruska , Jan.H.Kallenbach - Geert.j.Lemmens , Otti Roethof , Juan Carlos King of Spain.
In 1996 after the departure from the IKO Jon Bluming founded Kyokushinbudokai.
For info: Wikipedia Johannes Cornelius Bluming
For info: Wikipedia Kancho Hatsuo Royama Kyokushin legend
Kancho Hatsuo Royama was born in Saitama Prefecture on March 31, 1948. At the age of sixteen years in high school, he began a training under Oyama Karate (Kyokushin) in Tokyo So-Honbu under Master Oyama. He reaches his Shodan Black Belt when he was nineteen years old. Royama exceptionally hard-trained and soon became an instructor for the headquarters in Tokyo Honbu in his center-teens. Kancho Royama's quest for perfect his karate skill led him to Oyama's master's mentor. Kenichi Sawai to practice Taiki-Ken and become one of the strong disciples of Sawai Sensei's. He studied other martial arts, which are practiced around the Asia. Then Royama time left Kyokushin karate and appeared on the ring as a kick boxer.
In 1973 he returned to Kyokushinkaikan and took all 5th Japan Open Karate Tournament and won the 1st place. 1974 over the 6th all Japan karate tournament he will be the 3rd .. Afterwards Royama second placed in the first world open karate tournament in 1975 by defeating many strong opponents with his famous "Gedan Mawashigeri" or low kicks on this tournament He succeeded in introducing this technique to devastating world and making the most effective technique in the knock - down karate championships today. He uses this technique (Gedan Mawashigeri) for breaking with baseball batters his shins during the bat was not held by a person, this takes with great speed, strength and concentration.
After the death of Sosai Oyama, Shihan Royama supported Shihan Matsui (IKO-I) and remained to be the branch chief of his hometown Saitama Prefecture. He becomes Executive Advisor of the IKO Kyokushin Kai Kan and curator of Japan and the Russian region in IKO International Committee.
In 2002, according to the will of Sosai Oyama, Kancho Hatuo Royama together with Dr. Yoshiharu Umeda again established the Kyokushin Shogakukai Foundation, Kyokushin Kan-International. He was Kancho Hatsuo Royama as Chairman and Tsuyoshi Shihan Hiroshige placed as the deputy chairman.Shihan Bijan Fard will be Kancho Hatsuo Royama First Branch Chief in Germany and a first supporter of kancho Royama in Japan and Europe.
In 11 June 2012 Shihan Bijan Fard for the first time in the world after sosai oyama Tot presents 18 hands of kyokushin karate in the Netherlands summercamp.Shihan peter vogt 7 DAN, Shihan Peter Van rijn 6 Dan, Shihan Allanso 5 Dan, Shihan Haljar 5 Dan, Shihan Silwa 5 Dan, Shihan Hennie 5 Dan, have met these kata.
In Japan this word is used as an honorable salutation for academics, especially for university and school teachers, doctors and lawyers. It is attached to the family name: For example, kato-sensei can mean Dr. kato or Prof. kato. Usually in Japanese, according to the courtly language, a sensei is addressed in the respectful language Sonkeigo, while a student shows himself verbally submissive and uses the modest language kenjogo in relation to himself.
In the field of Japanese martial arts (Budo and Bujutsu), Dantragers, who have a teaching position, are approached with Sensei . In the narrower sense, the name means teacher of the way (Do). Since it is a question of courtesy, the person concerned does not refer to himself as sensei. In the years of teaching in the Dojo, a special relationship between teachers and students is created (literally, from heart to heart ). That is, although several students often teach students, the individual student builds a relationship with his teacher and sees it as his sensei .
In modern dojos one often speaks of the trainer or practice leader, because the instructions are often restricted to the technical-physical training. For this activity, which is often exercised by student degrees (jap.Mudansha), the Japanese expression Sempai the Elder of the Experienced is often used.
(Teacher, model) is a Japanese term from the Budo. The Shihan is - not just in the Budo - a teacher of teachers or a professor; But it is often translated as a master. Shi can be translated as a teacher or expert, han as, wise or example.
The Shihan is a master of the martial arts. If he is a stylist or school, he is also called Saiko Shihan first teacher, stylekeeper). The title Shihan is awarded and can not be reached through graduations. Minimum requirement is the 7th Dan. In the Iaido-style Seishin-Ryu Iaido, for example, the title Shihan can be reached at the earliest two years after the examination for the 5th Dan and the award of the 6th Dan. This title is the highest title by the example of the Iaido-style Seishin-Ryu , in addition to the title Hanshi (10th Dan). If you get the 10th Dan and at the same time the representative of Ryu , you would be Hanshi Shihan . Since the individual Budo species can not be compared, the individual grades, such as, for example, 1. Dan Iaido can not be compared with the 1st Dan Karate or Dan Taekwondo, nor even the 1st Dan within the individual Budo It is similar, as there are different schools and styles.
Other instructors in this direction can also be given the title of Shihan when, like Saiko Shihan, they have dedicated themselves to preserving and spreading this style. For this, at least the 5th Dan is a prerequisite; they must have reached the conclusion of the normal teaching phase.
A Kyokushin-kan Germany seminar is a learning and training course, which serves to acquire or deepen knowledge in small groups. Seminars are given by a seminar leader or Shihan or Kancho.
The German Germany kyokushin-national team is a selection of German kyokushin-kan players (The Fighters), which represents the German kyokushin-kan-Bund (IKO 6) EKO on the international level, for example in friendships against the selection teams of other national associations , But also at the European Championship of the European Continental Federation IKO or the World Cup of the EKO IKO.Osu
Eurokumite is a fighting sport rule set up in the 2005s, with the aim of being able to fight fighters from different martial arts. It was invented by Bijan Fard in Germany. Eurokumite combines techniques from the boxing, Karate, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Kickboxen, Wrestling Savate, Bastanie, Kungfu, and many other combat sports. Not to be confused is the Eurokumite rules with the related Eurokumite organization organized by Eurokumite (Fighting & Entertainment Group). Events or individual bouts can be contested according to Eurokumite rules, without having anything to do with the Eurokumite organization.
Kyokushin VIP
Shihan Edward Bobby Lowe (August 23, 1929 - September 14, 2011) What a prominent Chinese American master of Kyokushin karate. He was the first instructor in the world, and he was the first teacher in the world. He was the first instructor in the world International Karate Organization founded by Oyama.
Shihan Lowe was born on August 23, 1929.His father was a teacher of sil lum pai kung fu, and taught this art to his son. I am a student, I am a student, and I am a student, and I am a student.
On September 14, 2011, Lowe died peacefully in hospital in Honolulu.He what survived by his wife, daughter, and son.Shihan Lowe what posthumously awarded 10th dan ranking by Matsui on November 6, 2011, during a memorial service at the 10th World Tournament. On September 14, 2011, Lowe died peacefully in hospital in Honolulu.
Kyokushin personalities
Juan Carlos King of Spain
Sean Connery
Antonio Pinero
Vladimir Putin
Jacques Sandulescu
Francisco "Chiquinho" Filho
Hajime Kazumi
Kenji Kurosaki
Hatsu Royama
kenji midori
kenji yamaki
Bobby Lowe
Seiji Isobe
Tadashi Nakamura
Shokei Matsui
Shigeru Oyama
Hideyuki Ashihara
Faith Feitosa
Andy Hug
Nicholas Pettas
Mike Sterniotis
Faith Feitosa
Kazuyoshi Ishii
Semmy Schilt
Letschi Kurbanov
Dolph Lundgren
Bijan Fard
Makoto Nakamura
Rick Spain
Ingo Freier
Alain Setroek
Steve Arneil
Loek Hollander
John Jarvis
Howard Collins
Miyuki Miura
Ademir da Costa
Keiji Sampei
Akira Masuda
Naomi Woods
Arthur Hovhannisyan
Emanuel Beaufils
Karate Do Wa rei ni hajimari, rei ni owaru koto o wasuruna!
Karate begins and ends with respect .Osu
The three pillars of karate